Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Flu of 2013!

Friday, January 18th was my baby's 4th birthday! He asked to go to Chuck E Cheese, the only way he even knows about Chuck E Cheese is because the Salvation Army we frequent is right next door and we had been to Half Price Wednesday just 2 days earlier! If you don't have a Salvation Army near by I'm sorry, it's a wonderful place! But that's a different post...
So being the wonderful parents that we are we took him to Chuck E Cheese. He was so happy! Every time they sang "Happy Birthday" to someone he thought it was for him! It was so cute... I don't know if that's where we go the Flu from Hell but the next day my husband started not feeling well. Chills, fever, body aches... the typical flu symptoms. He stayed in bed most of the weekend and had Monday off for Martin Luther King day so he took it easy that day too.
We go to Classical Conversations on Mondays so we were gone all day and I could tell that morning that I was starting to come down with something. By the time I got home I was ready to lay down! Fortunately my mom was still here and she fixed dinner and took care of everything that evening.
From there the details are a blur but let's just say everyone in our family ended up getting sick and it's taken forever to recover from this! Last Friday, one week after his birthday, I took the baby to the doctor because he was throwing up and I was concerned about dehydration and asthma complications. They tested him for strep and influenza A, he had influenza A. The doctor prescribed Tamiflu and when I picked it up from the pharmacy got sticker shock from the price! Without insurance it's $170 and with insurance it was $65! Seriously! Then when I told one of my friends about it she sent me this article. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/02/07/recommended-tamiflu-has-flawed-results.aspx
So it isn't very effective in helping with flu symptoms but it is effective in causing other health problems that are worse than the flu! That's worth $65 to me! We gave him one dose before reading the article but then I couldn't bring myself to give him another one.
He is still not feeling well and running a low-grade fever! The doctor said this flu is lasting 7-10 days and that seems about right, which, when you're sick seems like an eternity!
Hopefully we won't have any more sickness like this and we'll be done for the year.

1 comment:

  1. Oh...nasty! I know this is an *old* post...but, I hear you on the 'flu!! We had Influenza Type A in our home once and it was the sickest I've ever been!!
